
Providing individualised therapy to help children of all ages improve their speech and language skills.

We believe that the best way for children to learn is through playful activities and fun games, which is why our friendly therapists provide an engaging and enjoyable atmosphere for each session.

Girl listening to music

We believe that the best way for children to learn is through playful activities and fun games, which is why our friendly therapists provide an engaging and enjoyable atmosphere for each session.

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One on One Therapy NDIS or Private

Impact Speech Pathology is a privately owned family business established over 20 years ago by Fiona Crawford and her husband Bob Boyer.

We have over two decades of experience in connecting families to outstanding speech pathology services. Located in Shepparton Victoria, our clinic has a strong history assisting both schools and private clients with developmental communication issues.

Our certified practicing staff are members of the Speech Pathology Australia organisation and are dedicated professionals prepared to help children facing language, listening or speaking challenges.


Speech Language & Literacy

Impact Speech Pathology provide an individualised literacy program for children. An evidence-based intervention program is recommended prior to an assessment to determine if a child has a specific learning difficulty.

Our therapists at Impact Speech Pathology use the Little Learners Love Literacy program for early literacy and the Spelfabet program for spelling and reading difficulties in older children.


Pragmatics (Social Skills)

Our therapists at Impact Speech Pathology are trained to develop language and communication to assist in social settings. This is known as pragmatic language. The development of pragmatic language helps children convey their ideas and feelings so they can solve problems and build relationships. Children with ASD can benefit from specific training in pragmatic language. As part of our service, we offer group programs to assist children to develop their social skills with peers.


Communication delays and disorders in children

Our speech pathologists at Impact Speech Pathology will assess and then implement a treatment for children with a communication delay. Here are some of the things to watch for:

  • By 12 months: isn’t using gestures, such as pointing or waving bye-bye
  • By 18 months: prefers gestures over vocalisations to communicate
  • By 18 months: has trouble imitating sounds
  • Has trouble understanding simple verbal requests
  • By 2 years: can only imitate speech or actions and doesn’t produce words or phrases
  • By 2 years: says only some sounds or words repeatedly and can’t use oral language to communicate more than their immediate needs
  • By 2 years: can’t follow simple instructions
  • By 2 years: has unusual tone of voice (such as raspy or nasal sounding)

Parents and regular caregivers should understand about 50% of a child’s speech at 2 years and 75% at 3 years.


Feeding & Mealtime Support

Impact Speech Pathology has therapists with specialised training in infant and toddler feeding difficulties. As well as eating and swallowing problems.

Some of the feeding difficulties we work with include:

  • Breast or bottle feeding.
  • Sucking, swallowing or breathing difficulties during feeding
  • Coughing, choking or gagging on fluid or food
  • Difficulty transitioning to solids, lumps or finger foods
  • Chewing or oral motor problems
  • Oral aversions or feeding aversions
  • Tube feeding, tube dependency, tube weaning


Articulation (speech)

Articulation is the formation of clear and distinct speech sounds. Our therapists at Impact Speech Pathology work on developing an individualised plan to improve speech sounds in children.



Our therapists at Impact Speech Pathology are trained for treating stuttering using The Lindcombe Program. This is a behaviour therapy for children who stutter who are younger than 6 years.

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Programs We Offer

Lego Program
Lego Program Lego Program

By encouraging children to engage in constructive play, the Impact Speech Lego program strives to develop essential life skills such as critical thinking, social communication and collaboration with peers. This program is designed towards fostering strong friendships while boosting confidence and emotional wellbeing.

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Secret Agent Society
Secret Agent Society Secret Agent Society

This program is designed to help 8-12 year olds master their social and emotional skills while providing parents with the essential tools they need to support children both at home and in the community. It's an amazing opportunity for young minds of this age group reach new heights!

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School Readiness
School Readiness School Readiness

Alongside Thrive Group, our dedicated team of speech therapists work together to ensure children are ready for the world ahead. Through engaging activities and playtime, these young minds develop life-long skills such as emotional regulation, concentration levels and literacy that will serve them well in their school years ahead.

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The Hanen Program
Hanen Program Hanen Program

Social groups provide a great opportunity for kids to build their social abilities in an encouraging and secure environment. By offering the tools needed to interact with others, these activities can be a positive way promote confidence and strengthen connections.

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There is no need to get a referral to book an appointment at Impact Speech Pathology.

We provide speech pathology intervention to NDIS clients who are planned managed or self managed.

Our service works in collaboartion with Thrive-Group to provide a multi-disciplinary service for speech pathology and occupational therapy service. Further to this we have intervention meetings with schools, early educators and paediatricians to set goals for our clinets to achieve the best possible outcomes.

Following an initial assessment your child’s therapist will set goals and a timeline for their individualised therapy program. Therapy timelines are tailored to suit each individual client.

Ongoing professional development so all our therapists have up-to-date training is essential for therapy to be evidence based and for clients to get the best outcomes. Therapists continue their ongoing professional learning each year. We have staff trained in The Secret Agents Society Program, Hanen, Mealtime Assistance, Lego Group, Colourful Semantics, Little Learners Love Literacy Program and Speech Sound Delays.

No child is too young to commence intervention. Research supports the introduction of early intervention supports for the best possible otcomes for children. The first step is to complete the assessment and then an intervention plan can be implemented.

Staff at Impact Speech Pathology see their clients in the clinic and by arrangement in the school. We do not provide a service to homes.

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We embrace every child’s individual qualities and provide a safe place for play, learning and connection.